Wondering what the UK National Lotto results were for the most recent draw? Here they are. Congratulations to all the lucky winners who picked the right numbers. May you always pick more right numbers and play the game right here at Online-Lottery.com,
Did I Win?
Here’s what you needed to do to win the UK National Lotto game:
Jackpot – Match 6 numbers
2nd Prize – Match 5 numbers + bonus number
3rd Prize – Match 5 numbers
4th Prize – Match 4 numbers
5th Prize – Match 3 numbers
How Lucky Are You?
Pick up a win in the UK National Lotto game according to our results page? Well congratulations, that’s truly great and we’re happy for you. But if you want to have some bragging rights with your friends, why don’t you find out exactly how lucky you were? Check below and you’ll see why we think you’re one lucky person:
Here Are the Odds
Winning the UK National Lotto game isn’t all that easy. It requires the diligence to play the game and check the UK National Lotto results page – okay, so playing is easy, but winning is still a matter of having an awful lot of luck. Like the luck of being 1 out of 13,983,816 players in the UK National Lotto game who picked all six correct numbers. Then there are those lucky second place winners who deserve a pat on the back for being just 1 out of 2,330,636 people who managed to get 5 numbers and the bonus number. Picked up the third prize? Enjoy your moment in the sunshine and know that you were 1 out of 55,491 people who did it. And if our UK National Lotto results page shows that you were a fourth place winner, you were 1 out of 1,032 people who managed to do that. Pick up the fifth place prize? Congrats – 57 people tried and you managed to beat all the rest.